Cancellation rules:

  • You can get a full refund if you cancel your order within 24 hours of submitting it.
  • If you cancel after 24 hours, we can only give you a partial refund of 70%.
  • Cancellation requests more than 48 hours after receipt of the tracking number will not be accepted.

Order change rules:
If the amount of goods changes, according to the actual amount of the order to make up or refund.

  • Before receiving the tracking number, you can contact the customer service of the website through email or Whats App.
  • If you request to change the order within 36 hours after receipt of the tracking number, we will charge 30 USD for re-mailing.
  • The order cannot be changed 36 hours after receiving the tracking number.
  • Orders are customized by individuals. No changes or cancellations are accepted from the time of payment.